Nov 28, 2010

The time will past

I was watching this video where a Buddhist monk is giving his thoughts :

There's a story about a king, who is to immature to lead the country. Every time there is something good happened, he will celebrate it throughout the country. Soon he has spent too much resource and time on the celebrations, and the bad, terrible times come. Bad economy, unrest, and other bad things happened. The king don't know what to do, and he hid himself inside the room, crying.

The ministers thought of an idea. They went to the goldsmith and forged a ring carved with a few words. The ministers presented the ring to the king. So every time there is something good or bad happens, the king will look at the ring and then let the matters go naturally.

The word carved is translated as : The time will past

And you know who the king is.
It's you.

Whatever bad things or good things, terrible, happy, disappointment, it will go. Everything that happens will be a past later, so we do not have to control our fear, disappointment, or anger. It will past. We accept its existence (the emotions), embrace it and then let it be naturally. Soon, it will past.

Life's all about ups and downs. The best thing is that it gives us HOPE.

Hope because bad things will go eventually.
Hope because we wait for more good times together.
Hope because we try to succeed next time.
Hope because we live with hope, everyday.

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